Thursday, September 12, 2013

12 September 2013 4th Hour Technology and Success 6th Grade Warmup

Evaluate: to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality; assess

Evaluate your ability to use Microsoft Office Word.  Answer the question, "How will being able to use Microsoft Word assist me in my classes?"  Ensure that you use three complete sentences.


  1. I evaluate that my ability is great. I know how to use all of the features correctly. Word will help me by letting my type my reports instead of writing them

  2. Carson D.

    I evaluate that my ability to use Microsoft Office Word is pretty good. I know how to use word art, do effects on words, and how to change the font, the size, and the color. That is my evaluation on my ability to work on Microsoft Office Word.

    1. Carson D.

      This will assist me in class by helping me keep papers I write in technology organized.

  3. LilyAnne M

    I think that using Microsoft Office Word is really good to use for technology. I think its good because it makes it beeter to print papers. i also think that it good because its easy to understand the assiment and every thing else.

  4. Rocco B.

    I think it will help me.Because i will no how to do online projects.This will be a good experience.

  5. Jordan M.

    I think that if i use word in my other classes it would make it easeir.Because in some classes i have to wright papers.So it is easeir.

  6. Dylan S.

    My evaluation of my ability to use Microsoft Word is that I am pretty good at it. Microsoft Word will assist me in class by letting me make documents that look nice. It will also assist me in putting facts into a neat and easy to read and understand document.

  7. Thaddeus p.

    it will help me with my asinmints. also my homework.also my math.

  8. Bailey C.

    My time with Microsoft office has been good.I feel like it will assist me in my classes by helping me type up a report.Since i know how to use it i think it will help me in a lot of my Middle School Classes.

  9. Ben m.

    It will help me with my asinments.
    It will allow me to finish my work on time
    Its alot easyer.

  10. Saddie H.

    I evaluate that I will be able to assist you by using Microsoft Office. At first I wouldn't be able to but now I thing that I got the hang of it. Now if you ask us to use Microsoft Office we would all be able to do it.

  11. Anthony W.

    I evaluate my ability to use Microsoft Office Word. Is pretty good being able to use Microsoft Word assist me in my classes. I think Microsoft Office Word will help me.

  12. Brittany H.

    Evaluate: to judge or determine the significance worth or quality assess

  13. Tristan G.

    I evaluate my ability to use Microsoft Office Word is amazing. It will assist me with my classes because typing is faster than writing. It also helps because you can use the internet.

  14. Cornelio v.

    I think Microsoft offce word is a good fore your progects. I think it is a vary good to use fore a lot of things.I know how to use microsoft ofice it is fun to mess with.

  15. Damien.L I think we should use microsoft because it is better

  16. Brieanna M King
    Microsoft office can help me in my classes by helping me get my work done.People prove that 99.9 precent of kids do there work better on the computer.It can help me do my assighnments on the computer.Ill probebly get good grades.

  17. Colt V.

    I like Microsoft word because it can help you lots of things. For example it can help with technology and work etc.. It is just an easy word to understand and it helps you with your classes. It just helps you out.
