Thursday, September 12, 2013

12 September 2013 4th Hour Advanced Technology Warmup

Evaluate: to judge or determine the significance, worth, or quality; assess

Evaluate Inkscape as a graphic design tool.  Answer the question, "How will Inkscape help me on my graphic design project?"  Ensure that you use three complete sentences.


  1. Taylor A.
    4th hoour doe(;

    So like uhhh blahh!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    well it will help me to uh make better designs and stuff.
    inkscape has been pretty fun i quess! well and iduuno uh just to make video games???

  2. Isaiah A.

    What It will help me for is like making my own pictures. Then it also helps me by making design for video games or something else. That is all for why it helps me.
