Thursday, February 21, 2013

21 February 2013 7th Hour Technology Warmup

Today you will have time to work on any school subject that you are struggling with or missing work in.  I want you to spend a few minutes before you get started and think about how you have been doing this quarter.  Using three complete sentences, tell me:

1.  What you done really well this quarter?
2.  What can you improve on this quarter?
3.  Create a goal related to you doing well in school that you can complete before the end of the quarter.


  1. Kevin B

    I am actually doing really well in all my classes. I have A's, B's,& C,s.I can Improve all of my grades to all A's. My goal is to pass 8th grade with at least A's.

  2. Ethan D.
    7th hr.

    Ive done well with turning in my homework. I can do better by asking more questions. My goal is to have straight a's by the end of the quarter.

  3. Myranda S.

    Uh what i have done well is keep my grades up. can improve on getting a B.
    At the end of the quarter I wand to get atleast c

  4. Justin K
    I have done really well in history this quarter. I can improve my math this quarter. My goal is to have all my grades a C or righter.

  5. Raven B
    Hr. 7

    The thing that i have done really well with this quarter was turning in all my homework. Something that i can improve on this quarter would be getting the answers right. A goal i could have would be to try harder and take more time on my math homework.

  6. Ryan S.
    7th Hour

    1.I haven't really done anything well this quarter.
    2.I honestly could improve on math, due to it being my worst subject.
    3.My new goal is to get my math to a passing grade.

  7. Henry C.
    7th hour
    1)I have not talked as much.
    2)I can pay more attention.
    3)My goal for this goal is get a good grade.

  8. Alexia E.
    7th hour
    I am doing really good in all of my classes except for my F in Science. I can improve it bye turning in my work.

  9. Regina C.

    i am doing really good this quarter my goal is to keep my grades up.

  10. Brenden R.

    This quarter I have not done really well in anything this quarter, wait yes i have, I did good in gym. I can improve on lots of things but the thing I should improve on the most is organization. I have done really bad on this for a while and i need to improve on. A goal I have for the end of the quarter is to turn in all of my assignments. I was doing really good until today when I left my math homework.

  11. Zachary A

    I have done really well this quarter. what i can improve this quarter is that i can improve my grades. my goal is to be a good student and to not mess up at all. (:

  12. bryin W.
    i did well with being funny. i can be alot funnier. i will get beter grades

  13. Leah S.

    I have ok grades and Make them better if I do my homework more.
    I can Improve my math. My goal is to pass 8th grade with a c or higher possiby.

  14. Isaiah A.

    I am doing really well this quarter.I have two B's,& all A's. but i trying to get all A's. But that is all for my grades.

  15. Isabel L. 7th hour

    I have done really good this quarter. My grades are A's and B's. My goal to finish out the school ear with good grades.
