Thursday, February 7, 2013

07 February 2013 7th Hour Technology Warmup

Apple has designed a new screw for all of it's products.  Check it out.

Check out the threads.  It is 100% unique.  Anyone wishing to work on an Apple product will need to purchase a special screwdriver that costs $1895.  In three complete sentences, tell me what you think about this new product.


  1. Kevin B

    I think that is just jacked up. who would want to by that screw driver. I know i wouldn't./

    1. Zachary A.
      7th hour

      i think this is a total rip off. that's like buying a pencil for $1,000, but it only last for a couple of weeks

  2. Henry C.
    7th hour

    I think that, that screw is to much. But I think that it is cool. But where does it go on apple product. so this is what I think of this product.

  3. Regina C.
    7th hour

    i think that this new product is is different and not sure why it needs it. it looks nice. i am not sure what it has to make it cost so much it costes to much

  4. Ethan D.
    7th hr.

    First of all, why would you need a little screw. Second,Why would a screwdriver cost that much. Thats just stupid.

  5. Isabel L. 7th hour

    This idea is kind of stupid. Its way to expensive and probably not even worth it. So thats what i think about it.

  6. Justin K.
    i think this is a genous idea. this will make it immposible to mess with others phones unless your rich. this will make people who work on phones for a living alot more momey aswell.

  7. Brenden R.

    I think it is a bit over bored. It is just a way to make more money. But people that used to fix Apple products cheaply can't with out paying $1875.

  8. mckayla k.
    i think that that is stupid. they shouldnt have it like that they are so meesed up. they should change that!!!!!

  9. Leah S.

    Well I think thats ridiculous that a screwdriver cost that much.
    What is it for exactly and why does the apple product need a screwdriver?

  10. Pete,M
    i think that is just stupid, there's no reason for it. they don't need a knew screw. the screw driver would be hard to buy. plus it makes them look better than all the other companies.

  11. Alyssa o \

    I think that it is cool. But where does it go on apple product. so this is what I think of this product.

  12. Jaycee H.
    i think this is the stupid idea. if i had to pay this much just for a stupid screwdriver i would go bonkers. i would never invest in this kind of thing.

  13. Myranda S.

    I think it is a stupid way for apple to get money. Its not necessary to sell a screw driver for under 1,000 dollars. Nobody is going to buy something that ridiculous unless its absolutely necessary. So like if nobody buys it then they would bring the price way down.

  14. bryin w
    i think that that is stupid. they shouldnt have it like that they are so meesed up. they should change that!!!!!

  15. Raven B.
    7 hr

    I think this would be a great way to make more money. I think it would cost a-lot to design a product like this and get it accepted. Also, i would not be willing to spend that much money on a screw driver.

  16. Miguel R.
    I think this is stupid

  17. Ryan S.
    7th hour

    I believe that is just silly. There is absolutely no reason to charge someone over 50$ for a screwdriver. Apple is just trying to get you to spend even more money.

  18. Anita B.
    7th hr.
    o_0 okay first why would they have a screw for it. Second who in this world buy a $1895 screw diver for it. I think this is the most stupid thing iv herd of or seen -_-

  19. JESSE C.
    7th hour

    i think that it is just too expensive to use.
    isn't there just some other type of product to make.
    for money like that you could by 1-3 cars and that's expensive.
