Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 April 2013 7th Hour Technology Warmup

Follow the provided link and review the provided article.


Use the process we have been using to critique classroom work to critique Facebook.  Identify one positive use, one negative use, and one suggestion to improve Facebook.  Make sure that you use complete sentences and capital letters and punctuation in the correct places.

When you complete your warmup open your Pirate Prep project, get four pieces of scratch paper from the front of the room, and a writing utensil.  We will begin critique 20 minutes after the beginning of class.  We will be using a new critique process.  Miss. Holmberg will explain the process to you after you have completed your warmup.


  1. Alyssa O.

    One Positive thing about facebook is that you can keep in touch with your family from out of town

    one negative thing about facbook is random people can add you that you dont know,

    one suggestion about facebook is that you can edit your own background

  2. Kevin B.

    + I think that this is a smart idea
    - why try being someone else why not go as you
    s I would go as you and if they freak out tell the cops.

  3. Raven B

    + I like facebook because it gives you something to do.
    - I think Facebook's idea is stupid.
    S I think they could improve with their colors and their process and make a block button for if you dont want game invitations.

  4. Ethan D.
    7th hr.

    Positive: Good they came up with that idea.
    Negative: Takes kinda long to do.
    Suggestion: They should make a facebook phone finding app.

  5. Regina C.

    positive: you could talk to all of your family and friends.

    negative: random people could look at your stuff that you have on there.

    suggestion: is that it is really cool.

  6. Isabel L
    7th hour

    Positive: Because it connects you with family members that live far away.

    Negative: people can post bad things on ur facebook.

    Suggestion: They could put better security on it so nobody can hack your profile.

  7. Alexia E.
    7th hour
    Positive: You get to connect with family that you rarely see.
    Negative: To many people whine over the dumbest things.
    Suggestion: Less inappropriate.

  8. Henry C.
    7th hour
    Positive- you can keep in touch with people and have fun.
    Negative- if u post something that you don't want people to see they can see it.
    Suggestion- you can put your own things on our page.

  9. Isaiah A.
    7th hour

    A positive for Facebook is that it is good for using for some programs. A negative is that people could get on it could be a distraction from doing there work.My suggestion is that we should use this program for certain reasons.

  10. mckayla k.
    one positive thing about facebook is....that if you move you can stay in touch with your friends and family!!
    one negative thing about facebook is.....you can post anything you want!!!and people can post bad things on your timeline!!!
    one suggestion about facebook is better security on there so u dont get hacked and have to change everything!!

  11. Brenden R.

    I think one positive thing about Facebook it is easy to sue and to talk to friends. One negative thing about Facebook is it is sometimes hard to find certain friends. One suggestion is that they should have an option where you can search a name in a certain area.

  12. Justin K
    Positive: It was a good idea to track the thief with Facebook.
    Negative: Using Facebook could have giving him the wrong person.
    Suggestion: He could help find many stolen items with Facebook.

  13. Ryan S.
    7th Hour

    Positive: You can keep up to date socially.

    Negative: Possibly harmful people can get your information

    Suggestion: More user-friendly, and more detailed pictures/logos to make it more interesting

  14. Andrea L.

    One Positive-Keeping in touch with people.
    One Negative-People can get cyber bullied.
    One Suggestion-Adding a dislike button.

  15. Pete,M
    I think Facebook should have some small changes,like making it easier to find people or places you are searching for.you can only use it for certain things to make it look and sound easy.it is pretty fun to use to find friends and family.

  16. Avery B.
    7th Hour

    Facebook has it's advantages and disadvantages. A positive side to having a Facebook would be connecting with friends and family who cannot get to you over the phone. Before we got phones, I used Facebook to contact my friends and family that didn't live close by. A negative side would be all the inappropriate posts and how people take advantage of the blog site. Such as; "Like this or you'll get cancer" photos or, "follow this link" and it really ends up being a scam. So, my suggestion would be to remove users that post these things to make Facebook clean again.

  17. Myranda S.

    you can keep in touch with friends and family even if they dont have a phone

    There are creepers on facebook

    Allow us to design are own backround

  18. Leah S.

    Positive: You can Control your privacy.

    Negative: Random people can add you that you dont know.

    Suggestion: I'm not sure my suggestion should be.

  19. Zachary A.
    7th hour

    positive: i thought it was a good idea of using facebook and got the stealer to tell him about the stolen phone and using it to his advantage.
    negative: what if the wasn't using facebook or doesn't have a facebook acount.
    suggestion: try what ever u can and catch that person in action stealing someone elses phone and then go and capture that person and take him to police or have another person there, one goes and catch him and the other go get a teacher, what ever.

  20. David u.
    7th hour
    Positive: that they were able to find there phones
    negative: people can hack them
    Suggestion: find more ways to help people find there phones

  21. Jesse c.
    7th hour

    +facebook has games you can play.

    -Facebook needs to make it not posible for people to post pornos

    s i think you should have alot of friends on facebook.
