Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 April 2013 3rd Hour Technology Warmup

Follow the provided link and review the provided article.


Use the process we have been using to critique classroom work to critique Facebook.  Identify one positive use, one negative use, and one suggestion to improve Facebook.  Make sure that you use complete sentences and capital letters and punctuation in the correct places.

When you complete your warmup open your Pirate Prep project, get four pieces of scratch paper from the front of the room, and a writing utensil.  We will begin critique 20 minutes after the beginning of class.  We will be using a new critique process.  Miss. Holmberg will explain the process to you after you have completed your warmup.


  1. Braxton M.
    3rd hr
    You can talk to family. To much cyber-bullying. It needs to be more private.

  2. Ambrey S.
    3rd Hour

    Positive:One positive is that you can connect with family in other states or even other countries.

    Negative:Kids or adults can cyber bully someone else and really hurt them.

    Suggestion:Facebook needs to be more private and not so open.

  3. Alexa W.
    3rd hour

    Positive: One positive thing about Facebook is that you can connect with your friends and family.
    Negative: One negative thing about Facebook is that someone can stalk you and follow you around.
    Suggestion:They should make it so that it is more private and not so open to strangers.

  4. Kiara Whistler

    3rd hour

    P- You can talk to family. N- You can cause a lot of drama. S- They can do it more private.

  5. sydney r
    3rd hour
    positive: you can take you your old friends.
    negative: so people can hack your facebook.
    suggestion: to make it more safe.

  6. Emily B.
    3rd Hour
    Positive: You can talk to your friends.
    Negative: People can stalk you.
    Suggestion: It should be more private.

  7. Yeribel L.S.
    3rd Hr.

    Positive:Facebook can be a way to communicate with friends over long distance.
    Negative:Face can be addicting and sometimes causes fights.
    Suggestion: Facebook should make kid friendly Facebook sites.

  8. Jaden C.
    3rd hr.
    Positive: The police are helping with the stealing of the iphones.
    Negative: Too many people are stealing the phone at Douglas's school.
    Suggestion: Don't use a friends facebook acount.

  9. Matison B.
    Positive: It is cool that Facebook was able to help him find his stolen phone. Negative:it would've been better if Facebook could tell where the person was when he posted that.Suggestion:Facebook should put where the post was at so he could go to that location and get his phone back.

  10. sierra R.
    3RD HR
    p-what he did was good because you can contact with your family and friends so they can help

  11. Joliana S.
    3rd hour
    Positive:you can talk to your friends
    Negative:you make some wrong choices
    Suggestion:people need to be careful of what they put sometimes

  12. Mileena C.
    3rd Hour

    Negative- People think they can talk crap about anyone on there. But then dont say it to their face.
    Positive- You can talk to people who are far away.
    Improvement-Make it to where you can change the background of your timeline.

  13. Cheyenne J.
    3rd hour

    Positive:You can keep in touch with friends/family that has moved away.
    Negative:It is slow most of the time.
    Suggestion:Don't have/get a Facebook.

  14. Jaedon V.
    3rd Hour

    Positive: It is good because you can find stolen or lost items.
    Negative: It is bad because if you want to buy something from someone online over Facebook and it is not what it is then that will suck.
    Suggestion: You can improve it by making it have better and faster.

  15. Wade P
    3rd hour
    positive: Helps you stay connected.
    negative: Can spread rumors quickly.
    suggestion:Make it more kid friendly.

  16. Dylan R.
    3rd hour

    nice job you coot the man how took your iPhone and you got your phone bake.

  17. jordyn g
    3rd hour

    positive: helps you communicate with people and family in different states.
    negative: other people can track you down on facebook.
    suggestion:make it more appropriate.

  18. Lacey M.
    3rd Hour

    Positive: You can talk to your friends and family.
    Negative: People can get on your page and look through everything.
    Suggestion: It should be more safe than it is now.

  19. Douglas R.

    3rd hour

    positive Facebook is good for taxing family and friends.Nagitive Facebook is bad because people post bad stuff on it.Sugesten this is good so keep up the hard work.

  20. Balize s.
    3rd hour
    Positive: You can keep in contact with family and friends.
    Negative: There is to much drama that people bring you in too.
    Suggestion: Maybe you can make it more private so strangers cant go through your personal stuff.

  21. Francisco P
    3rd hour
    Positive:Facebook is really cool and fun.
    Negative:I really don't have a bad comment on Facebook.
    Suggestion:I think Facebook should not have to be a sertain age to have one.

  22. Casey M.
    3rd hour

    I think the pausitive use of Facebook is talking to you family members that live far away. The negative side is some people use it to bully other people. My suggestion is Facebook should be monitored or there should be something that doesn't allow them to say bad things.

  23. Raymond L.
    3rd hour
    postie is that on face book that you can can talk to other people from different states.
    negative could cause fights bad words and steeling.
    suggestion is that face book is a bad site and some times a good site for some people that is why you except famley and good friend.

  24. Jonah M.
    3rd hour

    Positive: You can talk to friends and family.
    Negative: People get cyber-bullied.
    Suggestion: It needs to be more private.

  25. eric q
    3rd hour
    positive/ i like facebook because you can communicate with other people.
    negative/ i don t like it because lots of people can just look at it.
    improvement/ i think that facebook should let people costumize their facebook.

  26. Jezaka M.
    3rd hour

    P: You can talk to friends.
    N: Strangers can add you.
    S: Make it more safe.

  27. Cephia P.
    3rd hour
    Positive- You can talk to people far away
    Negative-People can stalk you
    Suggestion- you profile picture should change when someone who isnt your friend on there cant see it.

  28. Colette C.
    3rd hour
    one positive is that you can contact all you friends and family and you can talk with them on the weekends.
    one negative is that there is people that can watch what you do all the time
    one suggestion is that you have to get on every week

  29. Sergio C.
    3rd hour
    Positive:you can talk to family that u havn't seen for awile and talk with friends.
    Negitive:they need to make it more private.
