Tuesday, November 27, 2012

27 November 2012 3rd Hour Technology Warmup

Read the instructions for today's warmup careful.

Follow the link and read the attached article.

In a short paragraph (at least 5 sentences), tell me about the pros and cons of communicating through text message.  To receive credit, your sentences must have capitals at the beginning of your sentences and punctuation at the end.


  1. Eric q
    3rd hour
    You can communicate to other people in the world. Like my sister she is in Mexico and i can text message her when she is not music

  2. Cheyenne J
    3rd hour

    I don't know about texting pros or cons

  3. Emily B.
    3rd Hour
    A con of communicating through text message is that it can distract you from doing your homework. A pro is that you can communicate with family and friends in different states.Another con is that you can't look at the person that you are talking to. Another pro is you can text someone if you are hurt and need help. My last con is that can
    cause wrecks.

  4. Ambrey S.

    The pros of text messaging is you can say what you say when you want to say it. You don't have to have emotions, you don't have to act excited when you are not excited. Text messages don't drop calls like talking on a phone. The cons of text messaging are people text and drive and crash. It also takes a long time because to get a conversation done.

  5. Casey M.
    3rd hour
    It is bad to be bullying people over the fun. It is good because you can talk to other people that are far away.You can plan things with friends.Inappropriate pictures is a bad thing to be doing.There is good things and bad things that have to do with texting.

  6. Mikayla A.
    What i do like about texting is that you can talk to your friends more ,and to other people like family but one thing i don't like about texting is people think you can text and drive gut really you cant because it is stupid like drinking and driving .

    1. Joliana S.
      3rd hour
      I don't no about texting pros or cons

  7. Cheyenne J.
    3rd hour

    The pros of texting and walking is that if you need to contact someone at the moment then you'll have to. Texting and walking on the crosswalk isn't a good idea. I think its cool to communicate through text message, because what if you get a text during class, then you can check it. If you get a call during class, you wont be able to answer it.

  8. Matison B.
    Some good things about text messaging is you can comunicate with your family that's in a diffrent place. One really smart thing to do while your driving is not to text that is really bad. Another good thing is you can text someone if something bad is going on. When you are in class its not a good time to text. You can text your friends all day to!

  9. Lacey M.
    3rd Hour

    I think a good thing about texting is at least getting to talk to people that you haven't seen in a long time.

    A bad think about texting is you can get your phone taken away if you are texting in class.

    A bad thing about texting is if you don't put punctuation the person you are texting can take it the wrong way.

    A good thing about texting is that it does't drop calls.

    A good thing about texting is you can text your relatives.

  10. Mileena C.
    3rd Hour

    You can communicate to other people in the world. But texting while driving is bad. But you can get ALOT of prank messages. but say u cant talk on the phone then u text them and just text them.

  11. Alexa W.
    3rd hour

    There are many good and bad things about text messaging. One good thing is that your phone isn't constantly ringing all the time.One bad thing is that if you are text messaging while driving you can swerve and cause a wreck.Another good thing is that it doesn't drop calls like talking on a phone does.Another bad thing is that if you get caught text messaging in class you get your phone taken away. As you can see, there are many different pros and cons about text messaging.

  12. Wade P
    3rd hour

    Texting and driving is bad. A good way to use it is buying something.A bad way is sending bad things.You could use it to bully. A good way is to catch up with friends.

  13. Jezaka M.
    3rd hour
    I think texting is a good thing because you can talk too all your friends.It's also a good thing because you could even talk to people that you haven't seen in forever.

    I think texting is a bad thing because people can send bad messages too other people and hurt other peoples feelings. It's also a bad thing because some girls send boys gross pictures.

  14. Jonah M.
    3rd hour

    There are many good and bad things about texting. A pro is that you can talk to people that are far away for as long as you want. A con is that you cant text while you are driving. You can text people whenever you want without disturbing other people. As you can see there are many good and bad things about texting.

  15. Raymond L.
    3rd hour
    I like ps3 because it has free online and you don't have pay for online and it is not big it is perfect size and it has more gigabytes. the x box you have to pay for the Ethernet and you could get hack by other people and you cant get on for a week. and you will have problems and you wont like it.

  16. Braxton M.

    3rd hour

    One pro is if you are texting the it does not get interfered with. One con is that if you are texting and driving you can get in a wreck. Another pro about texting is that it is a lot quieter than calling. You can talk to people that are far away. The last pro is that you can say what you want to say.

  17. Joliana S.
    What i like about texting is that you can comunicate with your friends and family.
    The pros of text messaging are, that you can say what you want when you want without expressing your emotions.
    A con of comunicating through text message is that it can distract you from doing you school work and all.

  18. Kiara W.

    3rd hour

    The thing that you should not text because of these reasons you can get in a car accident. The next reason is you can get ran over. The next reason is you can get in trouble with the school. The next reason is you can get in trouble with your family. The final reason is you can get in a big problem.

  19. Taylor a.
    I don't think texting isn't that bad.You don't have to call.Some people like texting because they think that's what the style is so everybody is texting instead of calling.Its better to because i don't like calling that much.Its better to so you dont have to meet up in person just to say something so thats why theres texting.

  20. Balize S.
    3rd hour
    The pros of texting is that if you don't want to talk to someone face to face then it would be easier to talk to the people. Also when your in a quiet room you don't have to be like sorry but can i call you later. That is the pros of texting.The cons of texting is that if your driving and texting you will most likely hit someone. Also when your texting in class you can get your phone confiscated.

  21. Sergio C.
    3rd hour
    A con is if you text while driving.A pro one is that you can text a friend from far away.Also another con is if you text not good pictures.A pro is being able to text from a different room.A another con is texting and walking because your watching your phone not the sidewalk.Another pro is that u get to text someone if you are hurt and that u need help.

  22. Kevyn l.
    3 hr

    Texting and driving is bad. When you are driving
    and texting you can kill your self
