Monday, March 18, 2013

19 March 2013 4th Hour Technology Warmup

Follow the link and read the attached article.

Hacker Sentenced to Over 3 Years

In three complete sentences, tell me what you think about the sentence.  Is it fair?  Is it too harsh?  Is it too lenient?  Clearly state your opinion and then support your opinion based on information provided in the article.

When you have completed your warmup go to Typing Web.

Typing Tutor

You will need to complete two typing units; Home Row Keys and Top Row Keys.  Continue to work on typing until you have completed the two units or until I instruct you otherwise.  When you have completed your typing assignment you need to work on your Website project.

If you were absent yesterday, you must make up yesterday's assignment.  You will not be excused from this assignment.  You can talk to a classmate or me to find out what you need to do to complete your Outline Prospectus.  If you did not complete the assignment yesterday, complete it today.  You will not receive participation points until you have completed the assignment.


  1. Nathaniel S.
    4th hr.
    I think it is to mean.i think his sentence should be at least 2 years.its not fere to him.

  2. destiny m.
    4th hour
    i think it's fair
    cause the guys computer was
    hacked and he took it to atandt

  3. Jessica G.
    4th hour

    I think it's not to harsh. I believe it is fair enough to get more than 3 years. Hacking people is not educated, of course. That is my opinion about the sentence Andrew "Weev" will be having.

  4. Jaden C.
    4th hr.
    I think 'weev' shouldn't be in jail that long. I think the court should just put him in there for the 41 months.But I do think that they should still make him pay.

  5. zach.F

    4th hour

    i think the hacker shoukd not be in jail that long. i think the court should have put him in there for about 41 months. i think that they should make him pay

  6. Dallas m.
    4th hour
    I think that that is really to harsh. 73,000 dollars that's a lot of money. And 41 months in prison that's insane. And three years of probation and that is why i think that is to harsh.

  7. Cassidy F.
    4th hour
    I don't think its too harsh, he did a bad thing he deserves to be punished.If they let him go he will continue to hack people. I think what they did to him was a great thing.

  8. Yazmin S.
    4th hour

    I think that ,that is not enough because he had been hacking people 3 years.I do not think that that is harsh. I also think that that is kiind of fair.

  9. Mechelle .M.

    I do not like that idea at all they are his emails he should have the right to keep them.I do not think he should have a sentence at all.That is strait not fair.

  10. Donelle S
    4th hour
    I think that it is to harsh. i cant believe that someone would do that and go to jail for three years.I think that it is my opinion about Andrew "weev" is going to suffer for what he has done.

  11. Andrea P.

    In my opinion i really don't think its harsh. I think its fair because he needs to know what he did wrong. I think they should keep him more longer.

  12. Kelsie T
    4th hour
    i don't think it s harsh he did the wrong they cant let him do that agen.

  13. Idaly.P
    4th Hour

    I think the amount of time given in prison is fair.Its not to harsh or lenient.What Auernheimer did was very unfair to other people with AT&T accounts.

  14. Destiny T
    4th hour
    HE should have never even tried hacking in the first place. My honest opinion is they would have found out that's dumb but he has to give up to much money.Also he has way to many years in prison but that's and a little harsh on his part but he will learn to never do it again.

  15. Kayla B.
    4th hour
    i dont like that idea. there his emails he should also have the right to keep them.

  16. Kaiten k.
    4th hour

    I think that i need more time for this project and not even close to being done.
