Monday, October 15, 2012

15 October 2012 1st Hour Technology Warmup

Investigate today's Google Doodle.  In three sentences, tell me about it.  Make sure you are using the correct, warmup, format.


  1. Anthony J.
    1st hour tech
    Todays google doodle is Little Nemo. There is an arrow on the bottom that if you click it it goes on and tells a story.

    1. Naymon.Etherton

      Today's Google Doodle is Little Nemo. And there is arrow keys that you push and it tells a story about him getting launched into the ground from his bed.

    2. Joram V
      1st hr

      Today's Google doodle is little Nemo. It has an arrow where when you slick it tells you the whole story.

    3. Dominique C.
      1st hour tech
      Today's Google Doodle is Little Nemo. If you click on the arrows it will go on and tell a story.

  2. Emilee D
    1st Hour

    Today's Google Doodle is totally cool today! That would be a great way to wake someone up in the morning! But, it is a celebration of Little Nemo's 170th Anniversary.

    1. Karen M.
      1ST HOUR.

      Todays Google Doodle Is Actually Pretty Creative. It's A Different From All Of The Others. It Was A Brilliant Idea To The celebration of Little Nemo's 170th Anniversary.

  3. Larissa M.
    1st Hour
    Today's Google Doodle is about little Nemo on a adventure through Google-land.

  4. Mariah G.
    1st hour

    Today's google doodle was to celebrate Winsor Mccay's birthday. It looked like he was in an imaginative world. I think he was dreaming.

  5. Brianna .J
    1st hour
    it was like a story. it was colorful. its to celebrate Winsor Mccay's 107 birthday.

    1. Skyler V
      1st Hour

      It is to celebrate little nemo's 170th anniversary.It is very colorful. Has alot of detail and well made.

    2. Joel G.
      1st Hour
      today, on google doodle is totally about Little Nemo's, today is going to be a great day.

  6. Savannah C.
    1st hour tech

    Today's google doodle is a cartoon strip. they made it in remembrance of author Winsor McCay it would of been his 107th birthday.

    1. Zalina W
      1st hour

      today's goggle doodle is made to celebrate the birthday of the author of "little nemo".it is a comic strip and is very also is a movie at the same time because the pictures move.

  7. Amanda S.
    1st hour
    In today's Google Doodle, it is Winsor McCay's little Nemo in Sumberland 107th anniversary. It is fun to play with. The drawings/animations are cool.

  8. Tommia S.
    1st hour

    Today's Google doodle is an animated tribute to Winsor McCays cartoons. He was very famous for his cartoons. they were very funny.

  9. Aubrey C
    1st Hour

    Its very vintage. It is like retro specting back. Very, very, very interesting.

    1. Tim M
      1st hour

      today Google doodle is one of Windsor McCays cartoons. His cartoon's are very very funny.

  10. Victoria H.
    1st hour.

    Today's Google Doodle is a cartoon strip made in honor of Winsor McCay's 10th anniversary of Little Nemo. McCay was an animator from America who was known for creating Little Nemo. He also made Gertie the Dinosaur.

    1. Dyllan r.
      hour 1

      todays google doodle is of little nemo and he has a long and frightening dream that makes him fall out of his bed, the google doodle is made by Winsor mccay its his 107th anniversary since he made little nemo.

    2. Tyler-p.
      1st hour

      Today's Google doodle is little nemo and is falling in his terrible dream and falls in to a land fill of water.

  11. Ashley M.
    1st Hour

    Today's Google Doodle is about little Nemo going through Google on an adventure. It's to honor Winsor Mccay. He was a famous cartoonist of N.Y.

  12. Charlie A.
    1st hour

    today's Google doodle is a cartoon script.its birthday Winsor McCay it would of been his 107th birthday.

  13. Celeste S.
    1st hour

    In this google doodle107th anniversary of Winser Mclays's Little Nemo In Slumberland. The story shows a miraculous journey of a boy but all turns out it was just a dream. Winser was a cartoonist and animator and was best known for this comic.

    1. ronnie s.
      a kid wakes up and he falls in a hole. a lady catches him while he is falling.

  14. Shantel L.
    1st Hour

    Today's google doodle is a cartoon strip, in the memory of Winsor McCay. 107th birthday today, so this cartoon strip is in memory of that.

  15. Elizabeth L.

    Today's Google doodle is about Winsor Maccay. He was a grate cartoonist.HE created the Google doodle and it is called little nemo.

  16. Dannelle K.
    1st hour

    Today's Google Doodle celebrates the 107th birthday of Winsor Maccay's Little Nemo.Maccay's drawings depict a person who dreams very big. Little Nemo has a big imagination.

  17. Anthony M

    Today's google doodle is about the 107th anniversary of Winsor McCay's Nemo's Slumber Land.The kid wakes up and falls through a hole.Then it leads to a series of chain events and ends up back in bed.

  18. Steven Giltner
    Today's Google Doodle is entertaining because it is a little adventure. A Yong boy goes to a really weird place and meets somebody. He later fell into the ocean.

  19. Mason S.
    1st hour
    Today's Google doodle is a kid who falls out of his bed and goes on an adventure

  20. Lupita A.
    1st hour

    Today's Google Doodle is about Little Nemo. It is celebrating Winsor McCay's 107th anniversary of Little Nemo in slumberland. It is very funny to watch.
