Sunday, October 7, 2012

08 October 2012 1st Hour Technology Warmup

Tell me about your main character.  Use the correct warmup format and at least 3 sentences to describe your main character.  Make sure that you are using the correct, warmup, format.


  1. Anthony J.
    1st hour tech
    Our main character is brave and powerful. Once he puts his mind to something he doesnt stop.He is pretty much like a women when he is scorned, hell hath no fury like him.

    1. Emilee D
      1st Hour

      Our main character is a dude. He loves soccer! He also has a love for, The Hunger Games.

    2. Joram V
      1st hr
      Our main character is scary. It is about two evil people. They are both scary people.

    3. Tim M.
      1st hour
      I'm really not sure what are main character is.

    4. Lupita A.
      1st hour

      Our main character is Barney.He is huge.He will be wearing ugly high heels.

  2. shantel L.
    1st hour

    My main character is Hello Kitty, She is a little girl with many dolls. She only has one favorite. she is quite and anti-social.

  3. Erica L.
    1st hr.

    our main character is the la llorona. the reason we picked her was because she would be agood character to play in our scene. also because most kids are scared of her .

    1. Tommia S.
      1st hour

      Our main character is the la llorona. the reason why we picked her is because nobody else would think about doing a story about her.Plus she kinda falls into the scene of this month Halloween.

  4. Celeste S.
    1st hour

    we are not very sure who are main character is yet but it probably will be a football player who becomes a miraculous hero

  5. Karen M.
    1st Hour
    Main Characters Are Orlando Jonathan , There Your Typical 8th Grade Pranksters. Your "Jocks" , Your "Cool Guys". The Guys Who Claim There Not Afraid Of Anything.

    1. Mason S
      1st hour
      main characters are Freddy Kreuger, lazy town people.

    2. Joel G.
      1st hour
      our character it maybe going to be about batman vs chucky, because they will bring some action,And maybe a little of scary.

  6. Brianna J.
    1st hour
    I don't know who our main character is yet.

  7. Naymon. E
    1st hour

    Are main characters Jonathan and Orlando.
    They are the cool people that are afraid of nothing and can do mostly what they want but can't do one task.

  8. Amanda S.
    1st hour
    My main character is Bugaboo. Bugaboo is a weird purple creature. Bugaboo is from a game.

    1. Dominique C.
      1st hour
      My main character is a clown. The clown starts the fire in the school.

  9. Savannah C.
    1st hour

    Our main character is a little brother.
    he fights the alien terrorists and the zombies. He also falls in love with one of the Aliens and gets captured!

  10. Mariah G.
    1st hour

    My main character will probably be the snakes. The snakes are giant, mutated, poisonous snakes. They infect the ocean and start coming onto land.

  11. Zalina W
    1st Hour

    My main character is hello Kittie.She is vudue doll.She is brown and wearing a pink night gown.

    1. Dyllan R.
      1st hour

      my main character is bob. he is a human that tries to fight the evil mole rats. Also he needs to be sure the mole rats don't get to the nuclear weapons facility.

  12. Ashley M.
    1st Hour

    My main character is a ugly bat fish. He meets a Bald cat and go on adventures. There best friends.

  13. Victoria H.
    1st hour

    Our main character is a girl who lives near a water fall in New Mexico. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She also goes swimming in the water below the fall and gets attacked.

  14. Orion B.
    1st Hour

    Our main character is a girl who lives near a water fall in New Mexico. She has blond hair and blue eyes. She also goes swimming in the water below the fall and gets attacked

    1. Tyler-P.
      1st hr
      Our main character is barney. Barney is wearing high heals. Barney is the ugly Dino with ugly heals.

  15. ronaldo s.
    1st hour

    Our main character is a shark and bugaboo. the shark is big great white shark. bagaboo is purple and is very small.

  16. Anthony M
    1st Hour

    Our main character is a tall, purple, zombie dinosaur.He is about 6 feet tall.He is a zombie.

  17. Kendra L.
    1st hr.

    Our Main Character Is Barney Zombie.Barney Is A Is A Dino&Purple.He Also A Zombie..

  18. Victor G.

    I haven't not presented yet so i haven't made a main character.
