Tuesday, October 15, 2013

15 October 2013 5th Hour GATE Warmup

What do you think pantomime is?


  1. Jaedon Vargas
    5th Hour

    I think it is where someone is trying to explain without using words.They are trying to act it out

  2. Kathleen I.
    What I Think Pantomime Is
    I think pantomime is like being a mime in a way or explaining things with motion not words. Like in a silent movie or playing charades. I think that pantomime can be difficult to explain at times but it gives the same amount of information as telling with words.

  3. Carson D.
    Pantomime prediction

    I think that pantomime means a couple of things. First, I think that it means like old movies, like using your hands to talk. Also, I think it means moving your mouth, but not saying anything.

  4. Dylan M
    I think that it is saying something without talking.I think this cause it has the word mime in it.That is what I think.

  5. Trey B.
    5th Hour

    I think pantomime is when you explain something without using words. They have to explain a topic by acting what they want to say.

  6. Lalo.D
    I think pantomime is when people explain something without words. Instead they use actions like mimes.

  7. Michelle W
    Pantomime is when you act stuff out. So it is basically like what a mime does. It is also kind of like a game of charades.

  8. Sam R.
    This is what I think pantomime is. First, I think it is acting without speaking. I believe that because of what we learned yesterday.
