Sunday, August 25, 2013

26 August 2013 1st Hour Technology and Success 6th Grade Warmup

A classmate sitting next to you keeps moving their chair.  Every time they move their chair it hits your desk and messes up your writing.  How would you handle this situation?

Ensure that you respond to the warmup in the correct format.  First Name, Last Initial, and three complete sentences.  In the first sentence, answer the question.  In sentences two and three, explain and justify your answer.


  1. Emily L.

    If one of them was bumping me i would ask them to stop. If they wouldn't stop i would ask again.If they still don't stop I would ask the teacher to tell them to stop.

  2. Carl W

    I would ask them to stop. Because, it is a simple way to solve the problem. Also, it is the most common way to solve a problem.

  3. Kathleen I.

    If a classmate kept hitting my desk,then I would ask them to stop.Maybe if I ask nicely they will stop.It would probably work better than yelling at them,or acting annoyed.

  4. DixieS. I would ask the person nicely to stop bumping the desk. If the person listens then they might stop. If they don't stop, then i will ask them again to stop.

  5. Jason C.

    well none of my class mates have bumpt in to me yet but if they did.I whould tell them to stop but if they did it again thats when i start to get mad.If they did it again i whould tell the teacher.Thats whould do if they bumpt into me.

    1. Make sure that you use capitals and punctuation. You will be held accountable for this on your warmups.

  6. Nathan S. if a classmate is umping my desk.I would tell them to stop.If they wont stop i would ask them nicely. I would ask the teacher to tell them to stop bumping my desk.

  7. Brian C. I would ask them to please stay still and stop moving because they were messing up my writing.

  8. Sam R.

    I would say please stop every time you move you mess up my writing. I think if you are more polite they are more likely to stop. If they don't stop I would tell the teacher.

  9. If some one was to keep hitting my desk I would ask them to politly stop.I would ask them nicely because they it might have bean an aksident.It would be better to just ask them because then you can get your work done.

    1. This is a good response but I don't know who it belongs to. You won't be getting credit for the work that you did today.

  10. nicholas h i would ask them to please stop. if they don't stop i will ask the teacher if i can move.i will move if they wont listen

    1. Make sure that you use capitals and punctuation in the correct places. You will be held accountable for this in your warmups.

  11. codym.

    i would ask them to stop then i would ask again and again then i would tell the teacher

    1. Make sure that you use capitals and punctuation in the correct places. You will be held accountable for this in your warmups.

  12. Jose S.

    I would tell them to please stop shoving your chair in so hard.

  13. Brandon C,I would ask him to stop.So that i can write better.Also so we don't get in trouble.

  14. Sammy M.
    I would ask the teacher to move them.
    somewhere else. Its simple but that's different if its on purpose.

  15. jessie c.
    i would ask them to please stop hiting my chair.When they scoot back they hit my chair because the chair move's side way's.The chair hit's mine and makes noise the teacher ask's them not to make noise.

  16. Kiara R.

    I would ask them if they could stop.If they wouldn't stop I would say May you stop bumping into my chair it messes me up when I'm writing.And if they don't stop I would tell the teacher to tell them to stop.

  17. Bryce S.

    if a classmate was moving there chair and kept hitting my desk. I would ask them to stop moving there chair. then if they kept hitting my desk with there chair i would ask them again.

  18. Corrina A.
    If anyone that is sitting next to me was bumping me I'd ask them if they can please stop.If they keep it up then I'll tell the teacher.Then finally if ask nicely they will stop.

  19. Risa M. If the person sitting next to me was bumping into me I would kindly ask them to stop.I would explain what they did and hopefully they will stop.If they do not I will get the teacher involved.

  20. Elias.A
    If someone was bumping into me I would ask them to stop and if they don`t stop.I would ask to move spots.

    1. Make sure that you respond with three complete sentences.

  21. Alondra s.

    I would ask the person to stop bumping in my desk nicely.If he or she did it again I would tell them to stop in If they did it again I would tell the teacher to make them stop.

  22. Gwendelynn P.

    If somebody kept bumping me and messing me up I would tell them what they were doing and tell them to stop. If they kept bumping me i would tell them to stop again. Then, the third time they did it i would tell the teacher (Ms. Holmberg). Try your best not to be annoying or mean while telling them to stop.

  23. Jesse R.

    I would ask them to stop the first time. I can write my story and if they did not stop then I will tell the teacher.

  24. James N

    i would ask hem or her to pleas stop than if the did not stop i would move desks.

  25. Tristan G.

    I would act in a nonviolent way.I would ask if that could stop a couple times.If it continues I would tell the teacher.

    1. Make sure that you respond in three, complete, sentences.

  26. Josiah .m. The first thing I would do is take deep breath and move my paper.Then ask them nicely to stop bumping there chair on my desk. If they don't i will tell them please stop or i will tell the teacher and if they don't i will tell the teacher on the student.

  27. Jacob Tracy
    I would ask them to please stop.So I would ask nicely.I would ask them so I would be able to do my work.

    1. Do not include your last name when you respond to warmup questions.
