Wednesday, November 6, 2013

06 November 2013 GATE Warmup

Use the internet to find an interesting news article.  Provide the link to the news article and using a Perfect Three Sentence Answer summarize the article.


  1. Carson D.
    twin towers construction article

    I think this article holds a lot of information on the construction of the twin towers. First, it tells you about the interior structure. Also, It tells you about the exterior steel columns and how they help.

  2. Jaedon V.
    5th Hour

    Colorado Tries to be The 51st State

    Colorado tried to become a separate state in the Northeastern part. The movement was not approved by the state. They would have called it North Colorado.

    1. Jaedon V.

  3. Wyatt S.
    Incognito Offended Fellow Teamate
    A few days a go a dolphins player offended another member of the team with racial insults and threats. This member that was being insulted has just quit the team. For more information and the latest news please visit

  4. Trey B.
    5th Hour

    Gallium, a rare metal, has many interesting properties. It has a very low melting point and is in a lot of our every day items, such as phones, cars, and in nuclear bombs. It is so strong it can weaken just about any metal, but isn't found naturally.

  5. Sam R.
    Obama Approval Rating

    Based on a recent poll Obama's approval rating has dropped to 39%. His disapproval rating has gone up to 53%. It hasn't been this low since October 2011.

    Dylan M
    this article tells how on a certain day that the us government Canada and Mexico will make a preparedness drill that will shut down the us power grid. This helps the government how the us citizens will react.this is because cyber hackers and physical hackers might shut down our power grid to send us crazy so we are more vulnerable.

  7. Kathleen I.
    Interesting News
    I understood the warm-up but I had a hard time with it. I tried to look for articles but I could not find a suitable one. I tried different links but none of them worked for me.

  8. Michelle W
    News Article
    I could not find a news article. I looked hard and could not find one. Therefore I am giving you this 3 sentence paragraph about me not finding an article.

  9. Makayla M.

    The news article alligator found in O'Hare airport was about how an alligator was found in the airport. The article said the alligator was found under the escalator by baggage claim 3.this article was interesting because not everyday an alligator is found in a airport.

  10. Dylan S.
    Inside a zombie brain

    The slow zombies"Walkers" probably have something wrong with their cerebellum causing them not to be able to open doors or pick things up. Since their brains are impaired they have a super sense of smell because their brains are not distracted by other things. Zombies also have poor memory due to the lack of interaction and cognitive control.

  11. Lalo.D
    Justin Bieber was caught defacing the wall of a hotel in upmarket district of Sao Conrado. graffiti is considered vandalism in Brazil. Jail time is the consequence.
