Wednesday, August 31, 2011

18August2011 Visual Arts

Students began class with a comparison of different portraits completed by Pablo Picasso.
Representational, Abstract, Non-Objective Portraits

Students began the project "Getting to Know Me-Art as Self-Expression".

17-18August2011 Graphic Art

Students took the class period working on being able to log into their computers, connect to the internet, and open appropriate programs.

17August2011 Visual Arts

Students began brainstorming and planning self expression projects.  We reviewed artwork by Frida Kahlo to give us an idea of different ways that a person can represent themselves.

Frida Kahlo Portrait Example

Standards, Syllabus, What you need to know! Visual Arts and Graphic Design 16August-17August

Students discussed procedures, rules, and consequences in class.  Students received a syllabus with supply list and classroom expectations.  Returning the syllabus is a grade.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Goals! Goals! Goals! 15 August 2011 Visual Arts

Goals! Goals! Goals!

Today we discussed classroom goals.  Students were introduced to their Think Pads (sketchbooks) and we discussed their use.  Almost daily, we will be performing a task or warm up in the Think Pads.  This will encourage student's critical thinking, brainstorming, writing, and innovative skills.  Students entered the class goals into their think pads and spent the class illustrating the goals in an effort to personalize their Think Pads.  Think Pads are tools for the students.  Please consider them the gears that run the machine.  Think Pads assist students in larger projects and create a resource for self discovery and expression.

Friday, August 12, 2011


I have created a simple website to update and inform anyone interested in my roles as an educator and artist.

Pleasant View Middle School Online Art Gallery

No student artwork has yet been uploaded, but these are the links to each classes online gallery.  Artwork will be posted soon.

1st Hour-6th Grade Art

2nd Hour-7th Grade Art

4th Hour-7th Grade Art

5th Hour-7th Grade Art

6th Hour-Graphic Art

7th Hour-8th Grade Art

Student Teaching

For anyone new to my blog, my name is Amie Lee Holmberg.  I will be student teaching at Pleasant View Middle School  until 07 October 2011.  I am already enjoying my time here.  I want to provide a location for students, parents, and other educators to review what I will be doing in the classroom and to view the interenet resources that I've used.  Please feel free to check in on a regular basis, I will be posting everyday while I'm here.  I plan to provide a digital location to view student artwork.  I will post those links once the students begin creating.  Please feel free to post any questions or comments you have.

First Day! Graphic Design

Continue to think about additional uses of graphic design and graphic art.

Graphic Design and Happiness